So, if you are upset, then realize there is no point in being upset. Sure, much of the country may not agree with you, but being correct is more important than being popular. Any stoic will tell you that.
If you are happy with the results, well that's fine. Your responsibility is not to be on the winning side, though. You should just strive to be correct in your actions and your opinions.
Voting is a special right of citizens, and because we vote, we have a special interest in politics. The stoic thing to do is to be the best citizens we can be. Here's a few suggestions that should fit the rationality of the stoic:
- Stop demonizing the other side. All Republicans are no racist, and all Democrats are not anti-American. The extremes are always the most visible group, but in truth they are a small minority.
- Learn critical thinking. Those issues you believe in? Think them through. Many of your opinions are wrong. With our limited knowledge and faulty-by-default reasoning, how could they not be? If you can't think of any opinions that you have that may be wrong, you are not trying hard enough. Seek out opposing viewpoints and think logically until you succeed in challenging your beliefs.
- Ignore the entertainment aspects of politics. The back story for politicians, the juicy scandals, the sound bites. The way to understand how to act in politics is through studying the issues. Most everything else, including the candidates themselves, are just a distraction.
- Stop criticizing opponents unless you have a good idea of what they can do differently. Remember, the goal isn't to make yourself look smart, it's to accomplish something concrete. If you aren't doing that, then there's really no point in saying anything about politics.
The Stoics lived in a time when their leaders would frequently exile or kill anyone they didn't like. They didn't complain about it. So stop whining about taxes, oppression, or anything else that seems so outrageous to you. The politicians can't take away your happiness, so be a good person, a good citizen, and enjoy life!
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