
Thursday, October 6, 2011

Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs died today.

He was one of the great visionaries of our time.  During his Stanford commencement speech, he reveals the reason why: he's focused on his own death.  Even from before he was diagnosed with cancer.

The notion of our death is one that we never think of.  Yes, we know it intellectually, but it's never in the forefront of our minds.  After all, it is likely many years away, and quite unpleasant.  But looking at our death can bring clarity. We have a limited lifespan, and time is precious.

Seneca wrote:
... you will find that the largest portion of our life passes while we are doing ill, a goodly share while we are doing nothing, and the whole while we are doing that which is not to the purpose.  What many can you show me who places any value on his time, who reckons the worth of each day, who understands that he is dying daily?
Steve Jobs was such a man.

Ask yourself if you are also ready to stare death in the face and make the most of your time.  Starting now.
For we are mistaken when we look forward to death; the major portion of death has already passed.

1 comment:


    Anyone can be a visionary if you have the balls.
